Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Dairy of a Cairo Driver

It's been a while since I've written, but one thing that sits on my mind is driving here in Cairo and all the different things I see going back and forth to work here.... Things like a guy driving his pick-up truck with his head out the window to see where he's going... because the windshield is shattered and he couldn't see where he was going otherwise... or maybe the people in a little cab with a bicycle on the roof... and arms coming out of each window to hold it on the roof as they drive along... or there are the single car accidents where people seem to be attracted to the light pools with the center of their hoods. I'm actually surprised how strong those polls are because they never seem to fall from the hit ... as the cars here are no match for them when they hit 'em. Then the trucks with their loads of cargo... or rubbish loaded so high you just wonder if the truck is going to tip over... not that I haven't seen that either... an 18 wheel truck laying upside down on the freeway like a "dead cockroach" with all 18 wheels pointing towards the sky... with a few 100 backs of something on it... or maybe two guys on a moped, with one of them holding a satellite dish... there are so many times I wish I "had a camera" for things I see... well... driving here is truly an interactive experience... and honestly... I wouldn't trade these driving experiences for the roads back home!

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