Saturday, April 28, 2007

Some Sand with That Coffee?

Angela and I headed out to the "local" (less than 40 miles from home) desert yesterday afternoon with 4 other dads and 4 other kids for a night in the desert... It's always GREAT to take the Prado out of town and USE it as it's meant to be used... off road :=D It was a nice 95 degrees yesterday while hitting the sand... we found a cool set of catacombs (ok... catacombs sounds cool... maybe you'd call them shallow caves) that ended up being the breakfast cooking spot ... we had 4 tents out there... but by morning we were down to 2 tents... the wind didn't just not die down... it picked up as the night went on... we were even being peltted by sand inside the tent... by 2am a few of the tent pegs had come up... so it was time to regroup... at least no sand in the face in the front seat of the truck... for the kids it was no problem as them laid down in the back seats of the trucks (Dad's sacrificing for the kids)... when we woke it was a "chilly" 68 degrees and the wind must have been 20-30 mph, not quite a true "khamsin" ... but it seemed like one to us there ... the sand was flying horizontally that's for sure. All in all... a great trip! oh yeah... the Roman ruins were pretty cool too...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Clear to a Haze

Yesterday was Sinai Liberation Day... and the air was unusually clear giving us excellent visibility... we use the pyramids in Giza as a gauge as to how the air quality is by how well you can... or can't see them as we drive to and from work. I've posted a pic that has at least 9 pyramids ... although some are harder to see than others, an unusually clear day indeed.

Yesterday seems to reflect my life though... it's clear one day... then back into a haze for days on end.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Where God Leads

It's about time... God has led us to Cairo Egypt ... almost 1 year ago, and just now I'm getting around to creating a blog. Amazing. I've wanted to set up a blog... and I've got a few blogs from friends that I check out pretty regularly... and blogs are cool and all ... for "other people" ... but me have a blog?? Oh, now that's different. Of course, that's what we all say... but hey... it's about time I got off my lazy fingers and set up a site huh? :)

How will it go? I'm not really sure... will I be committed to updating it? For sure once in a while... but I hope at least weekly... if not a little more often than that... because otherwise, what's the use right? :-) I know for friends and family it might be useful to check what's happening in our lives this way ... and so when we've emailed and forgot to mention something... well, hopefully you'll see the additional info here.

Kind ah like I mentioned, we've been in Egypt for almost a year now, and God has been so very faithful in settling us into an area that has such wonderfully strong believes ... we're just so very thankful for all God knew He was doing in bringing us here.

Well, as God leads let, us all be sure to follow because He doesn't call us off the path where He won't be there... the road may be "less traveled" but in today's world... where is "less traveled"? The bottom line though is He'll be where ever He is telling us to go...

Reading here in the last few days and God really impressed on my heart this verse out of Jeremiah 17 and verse 14 "Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." Wow... that's awesome. He is our healer and our savior... and all we can do is live a life that daily praises Him!

As this work begins, I have to acknowledge a few fellas that inspire me to even jot anything here, Mark... and your blog... well done Mate, my pastor back home, Joe Paskewich and the work you're doing there in Uncassville along with your own blog... God is really using you and it's so great to see a man of God like you!! Mike... for being a "Manly man!" and Tobbs... well... just for being the gentle giant you are in the Lord... and honestly... it's a combination of the men's group here that I attend and the one from back home in Uncassville Ct (Damien, Keith, Walt, Chuck, Mike, Dennis, Chris, Bobby, Wally, Josh, and Gary) that I have to thank God for putting Godly men in my life to ... keep me straight...

Ok all... for the opening posting I'd love to have some profound saying... or lofty goal that this will lead us all towards... and in a way even without my own knowing, God can use this for His good... and that goal... in spite of me being the one posting stuff here... but as for me... I don't have concrete goals besides a desire to see everyone that reads these posting that don't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior to have the chance to come to the knowledge of who the Lord is and to accept Him as their Lord and Savior.

Blessing to All
