Well... we're coming up on our one year anniversary of being in Egypt (28 June is the "official" date). And the year we've been here has been a year of building some great friendships in the Lord... but none has been more influential than Duane and Shirley... we knew coming to Egypt was God's call for us... and He was so very faithful to put the right people into our path... like the first day we were in country and trying to "beat" jet lag by taking an early evening walk... and who do we meet but Duane and Shirley. Our heavenly Father is so faithful. We weren't in the country 12 hours and He had already provided the divine meeting with this great couple that quickly became mentors for Sandra and I.
Although we're pretty use to moving and seeing others leave too, there are indeed people that you become really close to, that those times of parting... well, quite simply, they stink. Yes, we know they'll come "someday"... and because of that we seem to have many superficial relationships, kind of buffering in advance for the "loss" of these friends because we know either they or ourselves will eventually be moving on ... but there are those that you just can't help but to become close with... they truly become part of your family... and now we're experiencing it ourselves with the imminent departure of Duane and Shirley. What can we say except thank you Lord for giving us this time together in Cairo. No... they're not dying... they're just going back to the States... but for us we'll miss the face to face interaction... the conversations, the Godly insight, and the mature perspective they both bring to every issue that came up while we've known them here.
Duane and Shirley have been to numerous "going away dinners" in the last few weeks but for sure we were so very happy to host them tonight and wish them all the best as they go back home... where God will allow them to see their own children and enjoy their company for a season... but also to be reassigned in what the Father has for them to do next...
More importantly though, this is a time of renewal for Egypt. As many believers are going back to their home countries, we pray that God will bring more believers of the faith here to continue to be lights in this diverse country... to come along side those of us here now to bring the message of Jesus to the dying world we live in. For those checking this site out... that's our prayer request... that the Father will send servants to our fields here ... Blessing Always.
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