Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hebrews 6:4-6

Ah yeah... this is what our cell group looked at tonight... we actually read the whole chapter... but these were the only verses that we actually dug into and covered tonight. As we've been going through the book of Hebrews we have to continually remind ourselves who this book was written to... Jewish Christians that wanted to go back to the "old way" of looking to God... the way of the law vice the way Jesus made and paid for them (us all).

This is really a hard set of verses to read and grasp... so the question remains... who does this apply to? Those that go the way of apostasy? Those that are not true believers? Can a believer loose their salvation? Was this whole discourse just hypothetical? Is it possible to fall away AND then come back to salvation? and if so... was the person really lost then?

It's all really a matter of the heart though isn't it? If we are truly His, then we'll hear His voice. Which means, if we're missing the mark, we'll have the confirmation in our hearts that we need to repent of that which is dividing us from our Lord. The bottom line is that believers in Christ cannot lose their salvation... the key though is staying in Christ.

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